In the last 3 days, we participated in the PP-RAI Conference (3rd Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence
It was a great experience to finally meet in person during all the inspiring plenary lectures, panel/poster sessions and coffee breaks.
Our PI (Kasia) presented evolving linguistic summarization approach supported with possibilistic aggregation.
As confirmed in the state of the art, changes in speech are suggested as measures of changing
mental state (e.g., patients in depression speak more quietly.) However, apart from the proper detection of the change, methods for communicating about the change to the medical
experts are needed. Our aim is to develop high-level information granules about multiple data streams.
Poster available here!
We come back home with a new list of inspirations, and also convinced that BIPOLAR's focus on appropriate modelling of uncertainty for the semi-supervised machine learning approaches is an
important and needed research direction.
Big thanks to all the colleagues and the organizers Gdynia Maritime University for making this event happen at the Pomorski Park Naukowo-Technologiczny in Gdynia.